Sunday, October 25, 2009

Nayantara Revealed Her Love

Nayantara tattoo photo
Sexy Nayantara revealed her love by showing what is there on her arm. It is known fact that her arm is adorned with a tattoo that reads PDeva. When an interviewer asked her about that tattoo in a TV channel interview she said that it means Prabhu Deva and she likes him a lot. She said that she loves him by stating that she hadn’t seen such a loving person since her childhood although she received numerous love letters from many boys and men.

There has been a gossip that both Nayan and Prabhu Deva are in deep love. And now that gossip has turned truth. So like Saif and Kareena in north, here in south we have Prabhu Deva and Nayantara that express love with tattoos.

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