Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Brahmanandam's break-dance album soon

When it comes to hogging limelight for wrong reasons, veteran comedian Brahmanandam is coming first these days. His hunger for his son's career ruined both of their places in the industry. Gautham is a flop with 'Vareva' and Brahmi is a disaster with 'KSD Appalraju'.

Wondered, then what this Break Dance Album is about. A couple of days back Brahmanandam and his associates are chilling out at a pub. Overly drunk with whisky, Brahmi got into ecstasy to fume his anger on some 'sensational' persons. An enthusiastic guy with over developed technological brilliance recorded the performance of our star comedian for fun. Turning red with that filming, Brahmi went gaga over him and made him kneel with his 'Boothu Puraanam'. Now, a talk is doing rounds in internet that Brahmi's clip will be available soon for netizens. Brahmi! In the first place, you should not rattle in public like the way you do in films. Secondly, there is nothing to say, as you know the consequences.

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