Thursday, January 27, 2011

I will kill u : Trisha

Being Heroines, taking remuneration in crores of rupees by bargaining with the producers is a never end process in film industry. Samantha discloses her bargaining character by betting cheaply for RS. 1000 with Trisha.  All this happened when Trisha threatened of killing Samantha for imitating her walk. "Samantha is threatening to imitate my walk..Wahhh Wahh..Sam I will kill u n I am a bigger person..hahaha," tweeted Trisha.

Though it was a funny tweet, Samantha responded "ha ha now how can I reply to this when I have been issued a warning of violence. What’s the bet? trisha threatens murder on ye maya chesave famed Samantha....headlines in web sites and papers...I bet 1000."

Despite the fact, Samantha is enjoying the gossips and headline news in websites and papers; she appears to be a media savvy indirectly begging Media to post the news.  That is okay, here we post the news but don't debase your standards with these RS. 1000 bets. Though this is not small money it is minute for heroines like you.

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