Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Deeksha Seth, Indian Idol Sreeram launches Narnia3 audio!

The magnum opus ‘The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader’ had its audio launch today. Indian Idol-5 winner Sreeram Chandra and Deeksha Seth of Vedam fame has launched the audio of the film.
Sreeram Chandra has lent his vocal for a track in this film which was recorded in Telugu, Tamil and Hindi versions. The movie is all set for a release in 3D in Telugu, Tamil, and Hindi along with English versions on 3rd, December with about 800 prints in all the versions. While the movie is hitting the screens in US on 10th December, it is releasing here on 3rd, December.  This is the first time that the Hollywood movie is releasing earlier in India rather in US.

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