Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Nov 26, Big day for ‘Orange’ lady!

Shazahn Padamsee, who has debuted in Bollywood with the film, Rocket Singh is all set to woo the Telugu audiences with Ram Charan’s ‘Orange’ from November 26th. If sources are to be believed, the actress is playing the role of Ruba in the film and she is said to be the narrator of the film. However, everything will be confirmed only after its release.
Well, it’s not just the actress’s Tollywood debut film but the Kollywood debut too. The actress played a female lead in Tamil film Kanimozhi opposite actor Jai. The actress keeps her fingers crossed since her both debut films are reaching the big screens on same day.
“Hey guys. Looks like 26th Nov is a double whammy for me. Both my Tamil and Telugu films are releasing on the same day! OMG!” the actress has tweeted in the twitter
Good luck Shazahn!

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